
General Objective


-To promote the development of instruments for measuring and analyzing science and technology in Ibero America, in a framework of international cooperation, in order to achieve a better knowledge of them and its best utilization as instruments for the decision-making process.


Specific objectives


– To design indicators for the measurement of S&T and innovation in Ibero American countries.

– To provide the international comparability and interchange of information on S&T and innovation, and the development of comparative studies.

– To organize international and regional programs for compiling information on S&T and innovation.

– To organize international workshops and meetings about the Network’s main subjects.

– To publish information, papers and analysis of indicators, and to develop information processes on S&T and innovation.

– To provide the interface for the relation with public S&T statistics organisms.

– To train experts on statistics and S&T indicators.


RICYT seeks also to widen the field of studies on S&T indicators and to incorporate more actors and initiatives, aiming to:

– The region’s incorporation to the international systems of S&T indicators, adapting the internationally accepted standards;

– The analysis of the region’s specific problems, looking for solutions to issues as bibliography, bibliometrics, institutional organization of the S&T statistics and indicators, and technical training for experts on indicators;

– The generation of a Latin American standard adapted to the regional specificities: the institutional parameters according to the national organisms characteristics;

– the adequate input and output indicators for the region’s S&T systems;

– the adequate innovation indicators for the productive activities profiles.